TM 5-3805-258-24-19 5 0 B P O W E R T R A I NS P E C I F I C A T I O N SLINES, PLUGS AND FITTINGSHYDRAULIC LINE INSTALLATION1. a metal tube to hose installation, installthe tube and tighten all bolts finger tight.Tighten the bolts at the rigid end.Install the hose and tighten all bolts fingertight.Put the hose in a position so that it does notmake contact with the machine or anotherhose.Tighten the bolts on both connections.Start the engine.Move the implement control levers to allpositions.Look at the hose during movement of theimplement. Make sure hose is not in contactwith the machine or other hoses.Shut off the engine.If necessary, put the hose in a new positionwhere it will not make contact when theimplement is moved.ASSEMBLY OF FITTINGS WITHSTRAIGHT THREADS AND O-RING SEALSThis type of fitting is used in many applications.The tube end of the fitting will be different indesign so that it can be used in many differentapplications. However, the installation procedureof the fitting is the same. If the tube end of thefitting body is the same as in the illustration (eitheran elbow or a straight body) it will be necessary toassemble the sleeve on the tube before connectingthe tube to the end.ELBOW BODY ASSEMBLY1. End of fitting body (connects to tube). 2. Fitting body.3. Locknut.4. Backup washer. 5. O-ring seal. 6. End offitting that goes into other part.1.2.Put locknut (3), backup washer (4) and O-ringseal (5) as far back on fitting body (2) aspossible. Hold these components in this posi-tion. Turn the fitting into the part it is usedon, until backup washer (4) just makes contactwith the face of the part it is used on.To put the fitting assembly in its correctposition turn the fitting body (2) out (coun-terclockwise) a maximum of 359°. Tightenlocknut (3) finger tight.NOTE: If the fitting is a connector (straightfitting) the hex on the body takes the place of thelocknut. To install this type fitting tighten the hexagainst the face of the part it goes into.TORQUES FOR FLAREDAND O-RING FITTINGSThe torques shown in the chart that follows areto be used on the nut part of 37° Flared, 45°Flared and Inverted Flared fittings (when usedwith steel tubing), O-ring plugs, O-ring fittings andswivel nuts when used in applications to 3000 psi(20700 kPa).A29919X22-76
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