TM 5-3805-258-24-1FUEL SYSTEMSYSTEMS OPERATIONThe 8N7005 Fuel Injection Nozzle can not beis pushed thru the outlet check valve (3) and outdisassembled and no adjustments can be made.pump outlet port (8). Fuel also moves thru pumpinlet port (6) and inlet check valve (7) to fill the areaFUEL TRANSFER PUMPbelow piston (2). The pump is now ready to start aModels 950BNSCE and 950BSCEnew cycle.The fuel transfer pump is a piston pump that ismoved by a cam (eccentric) on the camshaft for thefuel injection pump. The transfer pump is located onthe bottom side of the fuel injection pump housing.FUEL TRANSFER PUMP (START OF DOWN STROKE)(ARROWS INDICATE FUEL FLOW DIRECTION)1. Push rod. 2. Piston. 3. Outlet check valve. 4. Pumpingcheck valve.5. Pumping spring. 6. Pump inlet port.7. Inlet check valve. 8. Pump outlet port.When the fuel injection pump camshaft turns, thecam moves push rod (1) and piston (2) down. As thepiston moves down, inlet check valve (7) and outletcheck valve (3) close. Pumping check valve (4) opensand allows the fuel below the piston to move into thearea above the piston. Pumping spring (5) is com-pressed as the piston is pushed down by push rod (1).As the fuel injection pump camshaft continues toturn, the cam no longer puts force on push rod (1).Pumping spring (5) now moves piston (2) up. Thiscauses pumping check valve (4) to close. Inlet checkvalve (7) and outlet check valve (3) will open. As thepiston moves up, the fuel in the area above the pistonFUEL TRANSFER PUMP (START OF UP STROKE)(ARROWS INDICATE FUEL FLOW DIRECTION)1. Push rod. 2. Piston. 3. Outlet check valve. 4. Pumpingcheck valve. 5. Pumping spring. 6. Pump inlet port.7. Inlet check valve. 8. Pump outlet port.FUEL TRANSFER PUMPModels 950BNS and 950BSThe fuel transfer pump is a two-piston pump thatis moved by a cam (eccentric) on the camshaft for thefuel injection pump. The transfer pump is located onthe right side of the fuel injection pump housing.When the camshaft turns, the cam lifts push rod(10) up. The push rod lifts large piston (9), pushplate (6) and small piston (3). As the pistons moveup, inlet check valve (5) and outlet check valve (8)close. Pumping check valve (7) in the large pistonopens and fuel goes through the holes in the bottomof the large piston and fills the passages and chamberbetween the bottom of the large piston and outletcheck valve (8). As small piston (3) moves up, thepressure of the fuel above the piston increases andflows out of the pump through outlet (4).As the camshaft continues to turn, the cam lowerspush rod (10) down. Pumping spring (2) pushessmall piston (3), push plate (6) and large piston (9)down. When the piston moves down, inlet check valve(5) and outlet check valve (8) open. Pumping check3-5
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