TM 5-3805-258-24-1S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NS T E E R I N G S Y S T EMAMPLIFIED STEERING SYSTEMSTEERING SYSTEM SCHEMATICI. Left Neutralizer4. Check valve for pilotvalve.syetem.2. Hand metaring unit5. Relief valve for pilot(HMU).system.3. Right neutralizer6. Pilot section of pump.valve.The system can be divided into two parts; the pilotsystem and the steering system. The oil for bothsystems comes from a hydraulic pump that has threesections. Pilot section (6) provides oil for both thesteering and implement pilot systems. The pilot sec-tion also has relief valve (5) in it which controls themaximum pressure in the pilot systems. Steeringsection (7) provides oil for the steering system. Im-plement section (8) provides oil for the implementsystem.The pilot system controls the movement of spool(10) in steering control valve (9). The components ofthe pilot system are pilot section (6) and relief valve(5) of the hydraulic pump, hand metering unit.3-607. Steering section of10. Valve spool.pump.11. Orifice.6. Implement section of12. Leftsteering cylindar.pump.13. Hydraulic tank.9. 5teating control valve.14. Oil cooler.15. Right steering cytinder.(HMU) (2), and left and right neutralizer valves (3)and (1).Pump oil from pilot section (6) is always availableat constant pressure to the hand metering unit. Thehand metering unit is a small hydraulic pump that isused as a metering and directional valve. It sendspilot oil through one of the neutralizer valves whenthe steering wheel is turned. The neutralizer valvestops the flow of pilot oil when the machine is turnedcompletely to the right or left. If the machine is notturned completely, the pilot oil will flow through theneutralizer valve to the respective end of spool (10).The oil then flows across the metering orifices in thespool. The flow across the orifices causes the spool tomove.
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