P O W E R T R A I NN O S P I N D I F F E R E N T I A L G R O UPStraight Forward OperationTM 5-3805-258-24-1S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NSTRAIGHT FORWARD OPERATION5. Side gear. 6. Driven clutch. 11. Driven clutch. 12. Sidegaar.17. Spider. 22. Teeth of the spider. 23. Teeth of thedriven clutches.When the machine has straight forward move-ment, teeth (22) on both sides of spider (17) are fullyengaged with teeth (23) of driven clutches (6) and(11). The teeth of cams (21) are engaged with theteeth of center cam (15). The negative angle of theteeth on the clutches and spider, along with the forceof springs (7) and (11), cams (21) and center cam(15), push together and the teeth engage.In this condition, driven clutches (6) and (11) arefully engaged with spider (17). The driven clutchesturn side gears (5) and (12) at the same speed as thebevel gear. The two side gears turn the axle shaftsand wheels at the same speed as the bevel gear.Forward Turn With PowerThe travel of the outside wheel, during a turn, is ata longer distance than the travel of the inside wheel.When the machine turns with power, the NoSpindifferential lets the outside wheel turn faster than thespeed of the bevel gear (to let the outside wheel havethis longer travel) but does not let the inside wheelturn slower than the speed of the bevel gear. Theinside wheel turns at the same speed as the bevelgear.FORWARD RIGHT TURN WfTH POWER5. Sidegear. 6. Driven clutch. 11. Driven clutch. 12. Sidegaar.17. Spider.The teeth of the spider send the drive force to theinside driven clutch. The inside driven clutch turnsthe inside wheel at the same speed as the bevel gearand gives the power that is needed to move the ma-chine through the turn.The outside wheel is made to turn (by the tractionof the road) at a speed faster than the speed of thebevel gear. This causes the driven clutch for theoutside wheel to turn faster than the speed of thebevel gear. The movement of one wheel faster thanthe other wheel starts the “clutch action” of theNoSpin differential.The teeth of the cam for the driven clutch for theinside wheel are engaged with the teeth of center cam(15) and stay in the same position in relation tospider (17). The teeth of the inside drive clutch areengaged with the spider. The teeth on the other sideof center cam (15) are used as ramps. The teeth ofthe cam for the driven clutch for the outside wheelmove up the teeth of the center cam. This causes theoutside driven clutch and cam to move away from thespider and center cam. The outside driven clutch andarm are not engaged with the spider and center cam.3-57
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