TM 5-3805-258-24-1P O W E R T R A INN O S P I N D I F F E R E N T I A L G R O U PS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NNOSPIN DIFFERENTIAL(Assembled)5. Side gear. 6. Driven clutch. 7. Spring. 8. Holdoutring. 9. Holdout ring. 10. Spring. 11. Driven clutch. 12.Side aear.13. Swing retainer. 14. Spring retainer. 15.Cente; cam. 16. Sna~ ring. 17. Spide~-Spider (17) is fastened to the differential case andturns at the speed of the bevel gear. The spider hasclutch teeth on both sides. The spider also has onelong tooth. The long tooth is spider key (19). Centercam (15) fits inside the spider and is held in positionby snap ring (16). The center cam is turned by spiderkey (19) which fits inside notch (18). The spider keypushes on either side of notch (18). The direction of theNOSPIN DIFFERENTIAL(Left Side Disassembled)5. Side gear. 6. Driven clutch. 7. Spring. 8. Holdoutring. 13. Spring retainer. 15. Centercam. 16. Snapring. 17. Spider.machine, forward or reverse, controls which way thespider turns and which side of notch (18) gets the force.Springs (7) and (10) fit between the side gears andspring retainers (13) and (14). The outside splines ofthe spring retainers are connected to the insidesplines of the driven clutches. The force of the springsholds the driven clutches against spider (17) and theside gears against the differential case.SPIDER ANDCENTER CAM15. Centercam. 17. Spider. 18. Notch in centercam. 19.Spider key.Driven clutches (6) and (11) are the same. Eachdriven clutch has a cam (21) which is part of theclutch. The teeth on the cam engage with the teeth ofcenter cam (15). The teeth of the drive clutchesengage with the teeth of spider (17). An annular (inthe shape of a circle) groove is between the teeth ofthe driven clutches and the teeth of the cams.Holdout rings (8) and (9) are the same. Eachholdout ring fits in the annular groove between theteeth of the driven clutches and the teeth of the cams.The teeth of the holdout rings engage with thenotches in the center cam. Notch (20) in the holdoutring engages with spider key (19). The spider keycontrols the movement of the holdout ring in relationto the spider. There is no connection, except friction,between the holdout rings and the driven clutches.3-55
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