SINGLE CYLINDERAlR COMPRESSORSYSTEMS OPERATIONTYPICAL AIR COMPRESSORSYSTEM1. Air tank. 2. Coolant line to engina.3. Air line from tha air inlet manifold for tha engine. 4. Coolant line from angine. 5. Air lineto air tank. 6. Air line to unloader valve in haadaasembly. 7. Air governor. 8. Pressure gauge. 9. Air line from air compra~or. 10. Airmmpraasor. 11. Oil Iina from engine for lubrication. 12. Oil outiet to engine.13. Air line to components thatneed air for operation.14. Air dryer. 15. Unloader Iina from air governor to air dryer.MODE LS 950 BNSCE AND 950BSCEcloses and the exhaust valve opens. The pistonThe air compressor (10) is a pump that fills tankpushes the air from the cylinder through the open(1) with air. The crankshaft in the air compressor isexhaust valve and through a line (9) to the airdriven by the engine and the air compressor oper-dryer (14). The movement of the crankshaft, rodsates when the engine is running. The head assemblyand piston puts more and more air into the dryergets the coolant from the engine. The coolant goesand the pressure of the air gets an increase.through a line (4) connected to the coolant man-ifold from the water pump of the engine. The cool-The air compressor puts air into the dryer (14)ant goes through the head of the air compressoruntil the increase in the pressure of the air gets toand through a line (2) to the coolant manifold tothe cut out pressure setting of the air governor (7).the radiator of the engine.The pressure of the air now moves a plunger in theWhen the crankshaft is turning, it moves a con-air governor and the air goes through the opennetting rod and piston up and down in the cylindervalve in the air governor, through a line (6) andof the air compressor. When the crankshaft movesinto the unloader valve in the head which movesthe rod and piston down, the inlet valve in thethe inlet valve open. As the air compressor pistonhead assembly opens and air from the inlet man-moves down, air from line (3) goes through theifold of the engine goes through a line (3), throughopen inlet valve into the cylinder. When the pistonthe open inlet valve and into the liner of the airmoves up, the air in the cylinder moves outcompressor. As the crankshaft turns farther itthrough the open inlet valve and unloader line (15)moves the rod and piston up and the inlet valveto the air dryer purge valve opening.3-126.1/3-126.2 (blank)
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