O P E R A T O R ’ S S T A T I ONTM 5-3805-258-24-1S Y S T E M S O P E R A T I ONOPERATOR COMFORT ITEMSADJUSTABLE STEERING COLUMNThe steering column is adjustable and has fivedifferent positions. The steering column in the for-ward position gives easy access for the operator. Thesteering column adjustment lever (1) is in front of theoperator at the middle-left of the column.S T E E R I N G C O L U M N A D J U S T M E N T L E V E R1. Adjustment lever.OPERATOR’S SEATThe operator’s seat has several controls for theadjustment of the seat.The suspension system is adjustable for an opera-tor with a weight between 59 and 136 kg (130 and300 lbs.). There is a total of 102 mm (4 in.) ofmovement in the suspension system. With the opera-tor in the seat, turn knob (3) until the yellow pointerin tube (4) is even with the end of the tube.When lever (2) is pulled up, the seat can be movedforwards or backwards a total of 152 mm (6 inches)in 13 different positions.Lever (1) must be pushed down to adjust theO P E R A T O R ’ S S E AT1. Height adjustment lever. 2. Lever for forward and back-w a r d a d j u s t m e n t . 3 . K n o b f o r a d j u s t m e n t f o r o p e r a t o r ’sweight. 4. Tube.height of the seat. There is a total of 76 mm (3 in.) ofadjustment.There is a 5° adjustment of the seat cushion. TheThe backrest can be adjusted a total of 10° inthree different positions. To adjust the backrest, liftup on it, tilt it forward or backward and then pushdown on it.The backrest can also be tilted all the way forwardfor access to the pressurizer filter. To tilt the backrestforward, lift it up as far as it will go; then tilt itforward until it is horizontal.The right-hand arm rest is fastened in place butthe angle can be changed from horizontal to a tiltedforward position. The left-hand arm rest is horizon-tal but can be tilted up to give the operator easieraccess to the seat.There is a compartment at the rear of the seat backfor the storage of manuals, that can be locked. Theseat also has snaps (fasteners) for an attachmentsnap-on cloth seat cover.seat cushion tilt handle, for the adjustment of theseat cushion, is on the left hand side of the seat.3-131
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