TM 5-3805-258-24-1O P E R A T O R ’ S S T A T I O NS Y S T E M S O P E R A T I O NCONTROL GROUPSHYDRAULIC CONTROLSThe hydraulic control levers are to the right of theoperator’s seat and in front of the right arm cushion.There are two levers on the standard machine. Lever(1) on the left hand side is the bucket tilt lever andlever (2) on the right hand side is the bucket lift lever.There is an attachment third lever for use when themachine has the log loader attachment or any otherattachment which needs it. The third lever is in-stalled to the right of the other two.The transmission control lever can be locked in theNEUTRAL position by pushing the transmissioncontrol lock lever (2) in toward the steering column.TRANSMISSION CONTROLS1. Tranamiaaion speed and direction lever. 2. Tranamia-eion control lock lever.HYDRAULIC CONTROLS1. Bucket tilt lever. 2. Bucket lift Atte~~ment lever.TRANSMISSION CONTROLThe transmission control has a dial speed lever (1)on the steering column. The transmission is put inFORWARD when the lever is moved forward.When the lever is moved to the rear, the transmissionis put in REVERSE. The center position is NEU-TRAL. This machine has four FORWARD and fourREVERSE speeds. The selection of the speed ismade by a turn of the lever.The transmission is automatically in NEUTRALat start-up even if the control lever is in the FOR-WARD or REVERSE position. If the control lever isnot in NEUTRAL at start-up, the lever must bemoved to the NEUTRAL position first before thetransmission can be put into a FORWARD or RE-VERSE speed.3-132
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