TM 5-3805-258-24-1COOLING SYSTEMWARNINGWhen making the checks, put the transmissioncontrol lever in neutral and pull up on the park-ing brake knob to engage the parking brake.Make all checks at engine LOW IDLE and on theside of the radiator opposite the fan. Wear eyeprotection.The 6V3121 Multitach Group is used to check theTESTING AND ADJUSTINGWARNINGAlways stop the engine to inspect the coolingsystem. Remove radiator filler cap slowly torelieve pressure. Hot coolant and steam cancause personal injury. Let coolant becomecool before it is drained.Cooling system inhibitor contains alkali; keepfrom contact with skin and eyes.A loss of pressure in the cooling system can bethe cause of low coolant level and an engine thatgets too hot. Inspect the filler cap for damage tothe seal and surfaces to be sealed. Any foreignmaterial or deposits on the cap or surfaces to besealed must be removed.The 9S8140 Pressurizing Pump can be used totest the pressure relief valve and for applicationof pressure to the cooling system to check for leaks.Remove adapter (1) from the hose of the pres-surizing pump. Remove pipe plug from radiatornext to the pressure relief valve. Connect the hoseof the pressurizing pump to the hole the pipe plugwas removed from.6V3121 MULTITACH GROUPThe 9S8140 Cooling System Pressurizing PumpGroup is used to test pressure caps and pressure reliefvalves, and to pressure check the cooling system forleaks.9S8140 PRESSURIZING PUMP1. Adapter.The pressure that makes the pressure relief valveopen is -45 to 55 kPa (6.5 to 8 psi). The vacuumrelief valve opens at 7 kpa (1 psi) with decreasingpressure.9S8140 COOLING SYSTEM PRESSURIZINGPUMP GROUPChecking Filler Cap and Relief ValveTools Needed: 9S8140 Pressurizing Pump4-32
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