TM 5-3805-258-24-1C O O L I N G S Y S T E MT E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I N GTesting Radiator and Cooling System forLeaksTo test the radiator and cooling system for leaks,use the procedure that follows:WARNINGAlways stop the engine to inspect the coolingsystem. Loosen the pressure cap to the firststop and let the pressure out of the coolingsystem, then remove the pressure cap. Hotcoolant and steam can cause personal injury.Let coolant become cool before it is drained. the filler cap from the radiator.Make sure the coolant is over the top of theradiator core.3. Put the 9S8140 Cooling System PressurizingPump Group on the radiator.Get the pressure reading on the gauge to20 kPa (3 psi) more than the pressure of therelief valve.Check the radiator for outside leakage.Check all connections and hoses for the coolingsystem for outside leakage.If you do not see any outside leakage and thepressure reading on the gauge is still the sameafter 5 minutes, the radiator and cooling systemdoes not have leakage. If the reading on thegauge goes down and you do not see any outsideleakage, there is leakage on the inside of thecooling system. Make repairs as necessary.Water Temperature Regulator1. Remove the regulator from the engine.2. Heat water in a pan until the temperature is90°C (195°F). This is the correct temperaturefor opening the regulator. Move the wateraround in the pan to make it all be the sametemperature.3. Hang the regulator in the pan of water. Theregulator must be below the surface of the waterand it must be away from the sides and bottom ofthe pan.4. Keep the water at the correct temperature for 10minutes.5. After ten minutes, remove the regulator andimmediately measure the distance the regulatorhas opened. The distance must be a minimum of9.53 mm (.375 in.).6. If the distance is less than 9.53 mm (.375 in.),make a replacement of the regulator.4-33
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