B A S I C B L O C KTM 5-3805-258-24-1T E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I NGBASIC BLOCKPISTON RING GROOVE GAUGEMake reference to GUIDELINE FOR REUSA-BLE PARTS: PISTONS AND CYLINDERLINERS, Form No. SEBF8001.The 5P4812 KEYSTONE PISTON RINGGAUGE GROUP is necessary for measuring thesegrooves. Put the pin end of gauge “2” in the groove atfour places around the circumference. Do this to bothgrooves. The flat edge of the gauge must be betweenthe grooves. If there is clearance between the flatedge of the gauge and the piston at all test locations,for both grooves, the piston is reusable. If the flatedge is in contact with the piston, at any of the testlocations, the piston is not reusable. Install a newpiston.5 P 4 8 1 2 K E Y S T O N E P I S T ONR I N G G R O O V E G A U G E G R O U PCONNECTING RODS AND PISTONSUse the 7S9470 Piston Ring Expander to removeor install piston rings.Use the 5P3525 Piston Ring Compressor to installpistons into cylinder block.Tighten the connecting rod nuts in the step se-quence that follows:1. Put engine oil on threads.2. Tighten both nuts to 40 ± 4 N-m (30 ± 3 lb. ft.).3. Put a mark on each nut and cap.4. Tighten each nut 90° from the mark.The connecting rod bearings must fit tightly in thebore in the rod. If bearing joints or backs are worn(fretted), check for bore size as this is an indication ofwear because of looseness.CONNECTING ROD AND MAIN BEARINGSBearings are available with 0.25 mm (.010 in.),0.51 mm (.020 in.) and 0.76 mm (.030 in.) smallerinside diameter than the original size bearings. Thesebearings are for crankshafts that have been“ground” (made smaller) than the original size.CYLINDER LINER PROJECTIONTools Needed:1P5510 Liner Projection Tool Group.1P2403 DialIndicator.1P5512 Contact Point 22.4 mm (.88in.) long.1P2402 Gauge Body.1P5507 Gauge.1P2394 Adapter Plate.8B7548Push-Puller (crossbar only).3H465Platea (2)S1589Bolt 5/8-11 NC44.5 mm (1.75in.) long.1S379Washer (copper).1D4595Bolt 5/8-11 NC152.4 mm (6.00in.) long.2S736Washer.The correct cylinder liner projection is importantto prevent a leak between the liner, cylinder head,and block. Check cylinder liner projection above thespacer plate as follows:1. Be sure that the surfaces of the cylinder block,cylinder liner, and the spacer plate are clean.2. Install the spacer plate gasket and spacer plate(4) on the cylinder block. Use S1589 Bolts (1)with two 1S379 Washers on each bolt to hold thespacer plate to the cylinder block. Put two boltswith washers on each side of the opening for thecylinder liner. Tighten the bolts evenly, in foursteps; 14 N·m (10 lb. ft.), 35 N·m (25 lb. ft.), 70N·m (50 lb. ft.), and 95 N·m (70 lb. ft.).NOTE: To keep from moving bolts and washers aseach liner is checked install two bolts with washers oneach side of each cylinder liner, along the completelength of the spacer plate.3. Install the cylinder liner without seals in thecylinder block. Put adapter plate (7) on the cy-linder liner as shown. Install crossbar (2) with1D4595 Bolts (3), 2S736 Washers, and 3H465Plates (5) as shown. Tighten the bolts evenly, infour steps; 7 N-m (5 lb. ft.), 20 Nom (15 lb. ft.),35 N.m(25 lb. ft.) and 70 N.m(50 lb. ft.). Themeasurement from the bottom of crossbar (2) tothe spacer plate, must be the same on both sidesof the cylinder liner.4-35
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