TM 5-3805-258-24-1B A S I C B L O C KT E S T I N G A N D A D J U S T I NGICHARTFOR DIALINDICATOR MEASUREMENTSPosition ofdial indicatorLineNo.ABcDCorrectionfor bearing clearanceIoDial IndicatorReadingIIoTotal of Line 1 & 2Illo“+““““Total Vertical eccentricity (out of mu nd)..* “~t,ect the Sma IIer No from the larger No. The difference lsthe t@al horizontal eccentricity. the crankshaft to put the dial indicator at(A). Adjust the dial indicator to “0” (zero).Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise to put thedial indicator at (B). Write the measurement inthe chart.Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise to put thedial indicator at (C). Write the measurement inthe chart.Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise to put thedial indicator at (D). Write the measurement inthe chart.Add lines I & II by columns.Subtract the smaller number from the largernumber in line III in columns (B) & (D). Theresult is the horizontal “eccentricity” (out ofround), Line III, column (C) is the verticaleccentricity.On the graph for total eccentricity find the pointof intersection of the lines for vertical eccentri-city and horizontal eccentricity.10. If the point of intersection is in the range marked“Acceptable” the bore is in alignment. If thepoint of intersection is in the range marked “NotAcceptable” the flywheel housing must bechanged.Face Runout (axial eccentricity)of the Flywheel1.2.3.4.Install the dial indicator as shown. Put a force onthe crankshaft the same way before the indicatoris read to be sure the crankshaft end clearance(movement) is always removed.Set the dial indicator to read 0.0 mm (.000 in.).Turn the flywheel and read the indicator every90°.The difference between the lower and highermeasurements taken at all four points must notbe more than 0.15 mm (.006 in.), which is themaximum permissible face runout (axial eccen-tricity) of the flywheel.C H E C K I N G F A C E R U N O U T O F T H E F L Y W H E E LBore Runout (radial eccentricity)of the Flywheel1. Install the dial indicator (3) and make an adjust-ment of the universal attachment (4) so it makescontact as shown.2. Set the dial indicator to read 0.0 mm (.000 in.).3. Turn the flywheel and read the indicator every90°.4-38
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