TM 5-3805-258-24-19 5 0 B O P E R A T O R ’ S S T A T I O NE L E C T R I C A L T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GI n d u c t a n c eDamage to a switch can be prevented by the connection of a diode across theinductance in the reverse direction. This diode does nothing during normaloperation of the coil since it is connected so that its cathode is at a higher voltagethan its anode and no current flows through the diode.D i o d e P r o t e c t i o nWhen the switch suddenly opens, the coil becomes a source of voltage in order tokeep its current flow. At this time, the diode is able to conduct because its anodeis positive in relation to its cathode. Current flows through the coil and diodeuntil the energy of the inductance (coil) is used up. The switch is not damaged.F l y w h e e l E f f e c t4-138
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