TM 5-3805-258-24-19 5 0 B O P E R A T O R ’ S S T A T I O NE L E C T R I C A L T R O U B L E S H O O T I NGOther Methods of Failure1. Some problems may come only intermittently (come at intervals). Thesecan be hard to find. Make an identification of some condition that comes atthe same time as a failure of the kickouts to operate correctly, such as:a. A failure with the machine in a right hand or left hand turn.b. A failure only in cold or hot weather.c. A failure that started after someone made repairs to the machine, etc.Get all the information possible from the operator. Check for loose connec-tion, including grounds, in intermittent problems.2. Fuses that blow (fail) with much frequency probably are caused by agrounded wire, between the fuse and electronic switch box. Find whichkickout switch box blows the fuse, then find the grounded wire with the aidof the wiring schematic.Troubleshooting Methods for Kickouts1. Use the 8S4627 Circuit Tester and the 5P7277 Voltage Tester for testingcircuits. Do not use a VOM (volt-ohm-milliammeter).2. Do not check the switch assemblies with a VOM, or by any other methodexcept those shown under “Bench Testing”. There are no other simple teststo check the switches.3. Do not use just the operators description of the problems. Operate thebucket controls to better understand any problems. In relation to the bucketpositioner, make an identification of specific types of problems, forexample:a. Never kicks out.b. Kicks out but will not latch up.c. Kicks out, latches up, but never unlatches.4. If possible operate a different machine to see the characteristics of a systemthat works correctly, before a repair of a bucket positioner.4-136
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