TM 5-3805-258-24-19 5 0 B O P E R A T O R ' S S T A T I O NE L E C T R I C A L T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GTroubleshooting the Bucket Positioner Circuit on the MachineIF THE BUCKET POSITIONER DOES NOT KICKOUT, do the teststhat follow in order:A. Check the fuse (found in the right hand side of the operator’s cab).B. Check the distance between the magnet and the switch box. The dis-tance must be 6.4 to 9.0 mm (.25 to .35 in. ) and the magnet must godirectly between the mounting bolts.C. Move the magnet away from the switch box. With the main powerswitch turned ON, move another magnet close to the ON position(position C) of the switch to see if this causes the solenoid to activate.Move the magnet close to the OFF position (position B) of the switch tosee if this causes the solenoid to deactivate. If the magnet causes thesolenoid to activate and deactivate, install a new magnet on the machine.D. If the magnet did not make the solenoid activate, disconnect the switchE.F.harness from the machine harness. Make an electrical test of the pinsand sockets in the plug of the machine harness. With the power switchturned ON, Pin 2 and Socket 1 must each have power (use the 5P7277Voltage Tester connected to machine ground); Pin 3 must not havepower. Turn the main power switch OFF and check for continuity tomachine ground on Pin 3 (use the 8S4627 Circuit Tester). If these pinsand sockets do not test correctly, look at the schematic and find thecauses.If the machine harness testis correct but the kickout still does not work,connect a (jumper) wire from the negative terminal (the P/B wire) ofthe solenoid to machine ground. With the main power switch turnedON, the solenoid must activate each time the wire is put to machineground. If the solenoid does not activate, check for +24 volts with the5P7277 Voltage Tester at the positive (R/0 wire) terminal of thesolenoid. If voltage is present, replace the solenoid. If voltage is notpresent, look at the schematic and find the causes.If all of the other tests are correct, make a replacement of the 9G116Switch Assembly.IF THE BUCKET POSITIONER KICKS OUT THE FIRST TIME,LATCHES UP, AND WILL NOT UNLATCH (the detent has kicked outand will not go back in for the next cycle), do the tests that follow:A. Check the distance between the magnet and the switch box; the distancemust be 6.4 to 10.0 mm (.25 to .39 in.). Make sure that the magnet goesdirectly over the OFF position (position B).4-134
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