TM 5-3805-258-24-19 5 0 B O P E R A T O R ’ S S T A T I ONE L E C T R I C A L T R O U B L E S H O O T I N GB. With the system latched up, move a magnet close to the OFF position(position B) of the switch. If the switch unlatches, install a new magneton the machine.C. If the magnet did not make the circuit unlatch, disconnect the switchharness from the machine harness. With the main power switch turnedON, check for power on Socket 1 in the plug of the machine harness. IfSocket 1 does not have power, check the R/O wire back to the solenoidand find where the power is lost. If Socket 1 has power, connect themachine harness to the switch and go on to Step D.D. With the system latched up (main power switch turned ON), disconnectthe 9G116 Bucket Positioner Switch harness. If the solenoid is de-activated, make a replacement of the 9G116 Switch Assembly. If thesolenoid does not de-activate, go on to Step E.E. Disconnect the P/B wire from the bucket positioner solenoid. If thesolenoid de-activates, check for a short to ground in the P/B wirebetween the switch and the solenoid. If it does not de-activate, make areplacement of the solenoid.IF THE BUCKET POSITIONER KICKS OUT BUT WILL NOTLATCH UP, make a replacement of the 9G116 Switch Assembly.Bench Test of the 9G116 Bucket Positioner Switch AssemblyConnect the switch as in the following schematic. Move a 4V4840 Magnetfrom position A to position B at a distance of 6.4 to 10.0 mm (.25 to .39 in.) fromthe switch box. There must be no effect when the magnet is close to the OFF po-sition (position B). When the magnet is close to the ON position (position C)the solenoid must be activated and must keep activated as the magnet goes on toposition D. Now move the magnet from point D to point A. There must be no ef-fect when the magnet is close to the ON (C) position. When the magnet is closeto the OFF (B) position, the solenoid must de-activate.Bench Test of Bucket Positioner Switch4-135
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