TM 5-3805-258-24-1Every 100 Service Hours or 2 WeeksBATTERIESWARNINGBatteries give off flammable fumes thatcan explode.WARNINGElectrolyte is an acid and can cause per-sonal injury if it contacts skin or eyes.WARNINGDo not smoke when observing batteryelectrolyte level.WARNINGAlways wear protective glasses whenworking with batteries.1. Unlatch the battery compartmentcover on both rear bumpers of the machine.2. Clean the top and all posts of thebatteries. Coat all posts with petroleum jelly.3. Remove each fill cap. Inspect theelectrolyte level.4. If necessary, add distilled water tobring the electrolyte level to the bottom ofthe fill opening.At proper charge rate in temperate climate,a battery will not require more than 30 cc(1 ounce) of water per cell per week.5. Install all fill caps. Close bothcompartment covers.1-45
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business