ENGINETM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYASSEMBLE OIL PUMPOIL PUMP1304-16Tools NeededAB1P529Handle111P461Drive Plate11P462Drive Plate11P465Dive Plate11P468Drive Plate11. Install the bearings in the scavenge pump bodyassembly with tooling (A) as follows:a) Put bearings (1) in position on the inside ofthe scavenge pump body assembly with thechamfer on the bearing toward the outside ofthe pump body. Install the bearing until it is.060 in. (1.52 mm) below the insidemachined surface of the scavenge pump bodyassembly. Make sure the joints in the bear-ings are at an angle of 30° ± 15° from thecenter line through the bores in the scavengepump body and toward the outlet passage ofthe pump. The outlet passage has a cavitybetween the bearing bores.2. Install the bearings in oil pump body assemblywith tooling (A) as follows:a) Put bearings (2) in position on the inside ofthe oil pump body assembly with the chamferon the bearings toward the outside of thepump body. Install the bearings until they areeven with the outside of the pump body.Make sure the joints in the bearings are at anangle of 30° ± 15° from the centerlinethrough the bearing bores and toward theoutlet passage of the pump. The outlet pas-sage has a cavity between the bearing bores.3. Check the condition of the relief valve. Checkthe condition and specifications for all the partsof the oil pump before it is assembled. See OILPUMP (2P1785) in SPECIFICATIONS.5-67
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