ENGINETM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYREMOVE ALTERNATORALTERNATOR1405-111. Disconnect wires (1) from the alternator.2. Loosen two nuts (2) on the adjusting rod.3. Remove vee belts (4) from the alternator pul-ley.4. Remove bolts (5) and alternator (3) from theengine.INSTALL ALTERNATOR1405-121. Put alternator (5) in position on the engine.2. Connect wires ( 1 ) on the alternator as shown.3. Install vee belts (4) on the alternator pulley.Adjust the belts. See the V-BELT TENSIONCHART at the bottom of the page. Tightennuts (2) and bolts (3) after the belt tension isadjusted.NOTE: When the tension in a vee belt is measured,measure the belt farthest from the engine block.When a replacement of one belt in a vee belt set isnecessary, a replacement of the complete set must bemade.V-BELT TENSION CHARTWIDTH TOPBELT TENSIONBELT TENSIONBELT SIZEWIDTHOF PULLEY“INITIAL”*“USED’**BORROUGHS GAUGE NUMBERSBELT TOPGROOVEGAUGE READINGGAUGE READINGmmin.mmin.Nlb.Nlb.OLD GAUGE NO.NEW GAUGE NO.3/810.72.4229.65.380445±22100±5400±229 0 ± 5BT-33-73FBT-33-951/213.89.54712.70.500534±22120±5400±4490 ± 10BT-33-96-4-16BT-33-955V15.88.62515.24.600534±22120±5400±4490 ± 10BT-33-72-4-15BT-33-72C11/1617.48.68815.88.625534±22120±5400±449 0 ± 10BT-33-72-4-15BT-33-72C3/419.05.75017.53.690534±22120±5400±4490 ± 10BT-33-72-4-15BT-33-72C15/1623.83.93822.30.878534±22120±5400±4490 ± 10BT-33-72-4-15BT-33-72CMEASURE TENSION OF BELT FARTHEST FROM THE ENGINE*"INITIAL" BELT TENSION is for a new belt.**“USED” BELT TENSION is for a belt which has more than 30 minutes of operation at rated speed of engine.A10232-1X15-11
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