TM 5-3805-258-24-2POWER TRAINTORQUE CONVERTERDISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYSEPARATION OF TORQUE CONVERTER FROMTRANSMISSION3100- by:a) remove torque converter, transmission andtransfer gearsFasten a hoist to hydraulic pump (1) as shown.Remove the bolts and hydraulic pump (1) fromthe transmission oil pump. The weight of thepump is 36 kg (80 lb.).Remove the bolts and tube assembly (2) fromthe transmission oil pump and the transfer gearcase.Remove the bolts and outlet relief valve (3)from the torque converter.Remove the bolts and transmission oil pump(4) from the torque converter.Put the torque converter, transmission andtransfer gears in a vertical position on woodblocks with the torque converter up.Fasten two 3/8”- 16 NC forged eyebolts (6)and a hoist to torque converter (5) as shown.Remove the bolts and nuts and remove torqueconverter (5) from the transmission. Theweight of the torque converter is 158 kg (350lb.).5-236
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