TM 5-3805-258-24-2POWER TRAINDISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY6. HYDRAULIC CONTROL VALVESPut clean transmission oil on the seals. Install a½”-13 NC forged eyebolt (7) on sleeve (6).Install sleeve (6) into the transmission case andthe control valve as shown.Install spring (8) in the sleeve.Install the O-ring seal on adapter (9) and putclean transmission oil on it.Install adapter (9) in the transmission case.Push sleeves (2) into the transmission hydrau-lic control valves and install the washer and bolt(10) that holds the sleeves in place.Install gasket and plate (11) on the transmis-sion case and install the bolts that hold it.Connect the transmission neutralizer to thevalve spool. See INSTALL TRANSMIS-SION NEUTRALIZER in the DISASSEM-BLY AND ASSEMBLY section.Connect the opening (slot) on the speed selec-tor to the notch on the valve spool.Make an adjustment to the transmission neu-tralizer and the speed selector control. SeePOWER SHIFT TRANSMISSION, TEST-ING AND ADJUSTING section.Install the covers and windshield washer bottlethat go under the operator’s seat.end by:a) install seat (see OPERATOR’S STA-TION DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEM-BLY section)5-254
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