ENGINETM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYAIR COMPRESSOR HEAD ASSEMBLYModels 950 BNS and 950BSDISASSEMBLE AND ASSEMBLE17-10651. by:a) remove head assemblyRemove cover (7), unloader valve (1) andspring (2) from top half (3) of head andclean the unloader valve.Remove two set screws from top half (3)and hit either top half (3) or bottom half(4) with a soft hammer to separate thehead.Remove and clean exhaust valve (5) andspring (6).Remove and clean inlet valve (8) and spring.Clean all of the passages in both top half (3)and bottom half (4).Place a new gasket (10), spring (6) and ex-haust valve (5) on bottom half (4) of thehead.Place inlet valve (8) and spring (9) on tophalf (3) of the head.Carefully put half (3) on half (4). Inlet valve(8) can be moved to the correct locationwith a rod through the opening for theunloader valve.Install the two set screws to hold the tophalf (3) and the bottom half (4) of the headtogether.Install unloader valve (1), spring (2) andcover (7) in the head.end by:a) install head assembly5-15
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