TM 5-3805-258-24-2ENGINEDISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYHEAD ASSEMBLYREMOVE HEAD ASSEMBLYstart by:a) remove air compressor1. Remove two bolts and washers (1).2. Remove governor (2) and gasket (3).3. Remove two bolts and washers (4); adapter(5), and gasket (6).4. Remove four bolts (7) and remove headassembly (8).NOTE: It may be necessary to tap the head as-sembly with a soft hammer to break the gasketseal.5. Remove and discard gasket (9).INSTALL HEAD ASSEMBLYNOTE: Make sure all of the old gasket material isremoved from the mating surfaces of the headand crankcase.NOTE: Gaskets (3, 6, and 9) are also availablewith Repair Kit 7C0569 (Refer to Head Assembly,Disassemble and Assemble). new gasket (9).Install head assembly (8) and tighten fourbolts (7) in a cross-pattern to 175-225lb. in. (202-260 new gasket (6), adapter (5), and boltsand washers (4).Install new gasket (3).Install governor (2) with bolts and washers(l).end by:a) install air compressor5-18a
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