TM 5-3805-258-24-2DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLYENGINEAIR GOVERNORModels 950BNS and 950BSASSEMBLE AIR GOVERNOR16-10651. Install seal (12) on plunger (11).2. Put new soft washer (10), follower (9), newdiaphragm (8), follower (7), spring guide (5)and new nut (6) on plunger (11).NOTE: The diaphragm is between the chamferedsides of followers (7) and (9). rod with a diameter of .12 in. (3.05 mm)put in the hole in plunger (11) is used tohold the plunger when nut (6) is tightened.Lubricant is put on plunger (11) and inbody (13). Install plunger in body.Install spring seat (3) in spring (4) and putthem on spring guide (5).Install cover (2) over spring seat (3) andspring (4). Mark (A) on cover (2) must be inalignment with mark (A) on body (11)when the four lockwashers and screws inthe cover are tightened.NOTE: The governor identification tag is underone of the four screws. screw and nut (1) in cover (2). Makean adjustment for the length of the screw toget the same measurement before the screwwas removed from the cover.Install screw and diaphragm washer (20) andnew exhaust diaphragm (19) on exhaust nut(18).Install spring (17), spring retainer (16) andnew exhaust valve (15) in exhaust nut (18).Install washer (14) and exhaust nut (18),spring retainer and spring in body (13). In-stall air governor and air line on air compres-sor.5-20
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