TM 5-3805-262-103-5. TROUBLESHOOTING TABLE (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION2. ENGINE HARD TO START OR WILL NOT START (CONT)Step 5.Check if restriction indicator red band isvisible.a. If red band is visible, pressreset button on top of indica-tor and check that red banddisappears from view. (If redband does not disappear fromview, notify organizationalmaintenance that restrictionindicator is defective.)Crank engine and check if redband reappears; if red band isvisible, service air cleaner.Step 6.b. Iftored band is not visible, gostep 6 below.and open radiatorat rear of loader.UnlockgrilleCheck for loose, corroded,or damaged battery cablesand connections.a. If battery cable connec-tions are loose, notifyorganizational mainte-nance.b. If battery cables orconnections are corrodedor damaged, notify or-ganizational mainte-nance.c. If battery cables are okay, go to step 7 below.3-7
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