TM 5-3805-262-203-4. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT) MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION9. LOW ENGINE OIL PRESSURE (Cont).S t e p 3 . ( C o n t ).Install a zero to 100 psi pressure gage in port from which engineoil pressure switch was removed.Tell assistant to start engine and operate at idle speed .Pressure gage should indicate 45 to 60 psi with engine at normaloperating temperature.Tell assistant to shut off engine.Disconnect zero to 100 psi pressure gage from engine oil pressureswitch port .a. If pressure gage indicates 45 to 60 psi with engine at normaloperating temperature, replace engine oil pressure switch (page5-114).b. If pressure gage does not indicates 45 to 60 psi, reinstallengine oil pressure switch (page 5-114).Go to step 4 below.Step 4. Check for engine oil leaks at rocker arm cover gaskets, oil pangasket, timing gear and fuel pump gear cover gaskets, engine oilf i l t e r , e n g i n e o i l c o o l e r ; e x t e r n a l o i l l i n e s b e t w e e n c y l i n d e r b l o ckand fuel injection pump, cylinder block and air compressor, andtiming gear cover and air compressor; and oil drain plug gasket.a. If oil leaks are seen, tighten hardware. If tightening hardwaredoes no good, notify next higher maintenance level to replaceleaking gaskets.b. If oil leaks are not seen, notify next higher maintenance level(additional tests must be performed.)10. ENGINE WILL NOT SHUT DOWN.Check that fuel shut off lever moves to stop position when assistant pullsSHUT OFF control out fully.3-38
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