TM 5-3805-262-203-5. FUEL SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. LOW FUEL PRESSURE (Cont) .S t e p 5 . ( C o n t ).a. If fuel is pumped through fuel supply hose, hold fuel supplyh o s e v e r t i c a l l y t o k e e p i t f i l l e d w i t h f u e l.Reconnect fuel supply hose to fuel injection pump feed pump. Goto step 6 below.b. If fuel is not pumped through fuel supply hose, go to step 8below.Step 6.At fuel injection pumpfeed pump, loosen baillock nut.Lower and remove fuel bowlwith gasket, element, ands p r i n g .Check fuel element forvarnish coating or cloggedcondition.Check fuel bowl for sedi-ment.a . I f f u e l e l e m e n t iscoated with varnish orc l o g g e d , s e r v i c e it(page 4-19); if sedi-ment in fuel bowl,clean fuel bowl (page4-19). Go to step 7below.b. If fuel element andfuel bowl are okay,i n s t a l l s p r i n g , f u elelement , and gasket infuel bowl.Install fuel bowl withi n s t a l l e d p a r t s.S l i d e b a i l i n t o p o s i -tion and tighten locknut finger tight. Goto step 7 below.3-46
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