TM 5-3805-262-20
S t e p 2 . ( C o n t ) .
a. If multimeter indicates zero, go to step 3 below.
b. If multimeter indicates 24 volts, go to step 4 below.
Step 3.
Place ignition key switch in start position.
a. If starter cranks, check for loose wiring connection between
starter relay terminal and alternator BAT terminal. Repair or
replace wiring or terminals as necessary.
b. If starter does not crank, refer to page 3-62 starting system
t r o u b l e s h o o t i n g.
Step 4. Place ignition key switch in on position.
Place vehicle lights switch in SER DRIVE position and record multi-
m e t e r i n d i c a t i o n.
Tell assistant to start engine and run at 1800 rpm.
Record multimeter indication,
Tell assistant to shut down engine and place ignition key and ve-
h i c l e l i g h t s s w i t c h e s i n o f f p o s i t i o n.
a. If multimeter reading does not increase with engine running, go
to step 5 below.
b. If multimeter reading increases to 31 volts or more with engine
running, replace alternator (page 5-10).
c. If multimeter reading increases to 24 to 30 volts with engine
running, go to step 6 below.
Step 5.
Check alternator drive belts tension (page 5-2).
a. Adjust drive belts tension as necessary (page 5-5). Replace worn
or damaged belts as a matched set (page 5-4).
b. If belt tension is okay, go to step 6 below .
S t e p 6 . T e s t a l t e r n a t o r f o r r a t e d o u t p u t c u r r e n t ( p a g e 5 - 8 ).
a .
b .
R e p l a c e d e f e c t i v e a l t e r n a t o r ( p a g e 5 - 1 0 ) .
If alternator is okay, test battery load capacity (page 5-143)
and replace defective batteries (page 5-148) as necessary.