TM 5-3805-262-203-14. TRANSMISSION TROUBLESHOOTINGMALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. FOAMY OIL.Step 1.One quart1/2 inch.Step 2.Step 3.Step 4.Check oil level with transmission at oper-ating temperature (page 6-4), transmissioncontrol lever in N (neutral) and engineoperating at idle speed.a. If oil level is not between FULL andADD marks, add oil (page 6-4).NOTEo f o i l w i l l r a i s e d i p s t i c k l e v e lb . I f o i l l e v e lmarks, go toCheck source ofis between FULL and ADDstep 2 below.oil and ensure that oil is correct grade and type.a . I f o i l i s n o t c o r r e c t g r a d e a n d t y p e , d r a i n o i l , r e p l a c e o ilf i l t e r , a n d a d d n e w o i l ( p a g e 6 - 6 ) .b. If oil is correct grade and type, go to stepRemove transmission oil level dipstick and checks t i c k .a . I f w a t e r o n d i p s t i c k , d r a i n o i l , r e p l a c e o ilo i l ( p a g e 6 - 6 ) .b. If water is not on dipstick, go to step 4.Check if transmissionpump mounting boltsa r e l o o s e.a. If transmission pumpmounting bolts arel o o s e, tighten them.3.for water on dip-filter, and add newb. If transmission pumpmounting bolts are notloose. notify nexthigher maintenancelevel (problem is incharging pump gasket).3-101
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