TM 5-3805-262-203-14. TRANSMISSION TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION3. HIGH TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPERATURE (CONV TEMP GAGE INDICATES EXCESSIVE TEMPER-ATURE) (Cont).Step 3.Check hoses between transmission and radiator oilcooler for leakage or damagea. If hoses betweentransmission and radi-ator are leaking ordamaged, replace (page6 - 2 6 ).b. If hoses are okay, goto step 4 below.Step 4.Check CONV TEMP gage and sending unit (page 3-94).a. If CONV TEMP gage is defective, remove instrument cluster (page5-34) and replace gage (page 5-39); if sending unit isd e f e c t i v e , r e p l a ce- ( p a g e 5 - 1 2 5 ) .b. If CONV TEMPare okay, goStep 5.C h e c k o i l f i l t era g e.Step 6.gage and sending unitto step 5 below.for leakagea . I f o i l f i l t e r i s l e a k i n g,if damaged, replace (pageb . I f o i l f i l t e r i s o k a y , go6 below.Removed i r t y ,s u c t i onclogged,s t r a i n e r a ndor damagedor dam-t i g h t e n ;6 - 8 ).t o s t epcheck if(page 6-6).a. If suction strainer is dirty or clogged, clean; if damaged, re-place (page 6-6).b. If suction strainer is okay, notify next higher maintenancelevel (pressure tests must be performed to localize problem).3-104
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