TM 5-3805-262-203-18. SERVICE BRAKE SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION5. SERVICE BRAKES DO NOT STOP LOADER (AIR SYSTEM OPERATING OKAY) (Cont).S t e p 2 . ( C o n t ).a. If brake pads did not move, replace front brake actuator (page7 - 5 1 ).b. If brake pads did move, replace rear brake actuator (page 7-51).Step 3.Open air reservoir drainvalve and drain air.Remove one plug frombrake treadle and valveupper chamber and in-stall 1/2 to 1/8 NPT re-ducer .Connect zero to 150 psipressure gage to reduc-er. Pressure gage hoseshould be long enough sothat you can readpressure gage in cab.C l o s e a i r r e s e r v o irdrain valve.Start engine and operateat 1000 rpm until lowair pressure buzzerstops sounding.Slowly press brake trea-dle and valve whilewatching pressure gage.Pressure gage shall in-d i c a t e i n c r e a s i n g a i rpressure as brake trea-dle and valve isp r e s s e d .a. If pressure gage does not indicate increasing air pressure, re-place brake treadle and valve (page 7-53).b. If pressure gage indicates increasing air pressure, go to step 4below.3-118
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