TM 5-3805-262-203-24. ACCESSORIES TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION2. WINDSHIELD WIPER MOTOR DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont).S t e p 2 . ( C o n t ).b. If windshield wiper and heater fan do not operate and circuitbreaker did not blow, go to step 3 below.Step 3.Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14).Connect multimeter across terminals of cab 30 ampere circuitb r e a k e r .i n d i c a t e z e r o .Multimeter shoulda . I f m u l t i m e t erstep 4 below.b. If multimeterindicates 24 volts, circuit breaker is open. Go toi n d i c a t e s z e r o, replace cab relay (page 5-26).Step 4.Disconnect battery ground cable (page 5-148).Disconnect wire connected between cab relay BAT. terminal and cab 30ampere circuit breaker long, silver terminal.Reconnect battery ground cable.Connect multimeter between long, silver terminal of cab 30 amperecircuit breaker and chassis.Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts.a . I f m u l t i m e t e r i n d i c a t e s z e r o, replace cab 30 ampere circuitbreaker (page 5-26).3-160
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