TM 5-3805-262-203-24. ACCESSORIES TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION2. WINDSHIELD WIPER MOTOR DOES NOT OPERATE (Cont).S t e p 6 . ( C o n t ).b. If 24 volts obtained, turn ignition key switch to off positionand go to step 7 below.Step 7.Connect multimeter between windshield wiper motor H terminal andc h a s s i s.Set FRONT WIPER switch to HI position.Turn ignition key switch to on position.Multimeter shall indicate 24 volts.a. If multimeter indicates 24 volts , remove windshield wiper motor,disassemble, and replace motor (page 10-13).b. If multimeter does not indicate 24 volts, replace WINDSHIELDWIPER switch (page 10-18).3. WINDSHIELD WIPER ARM DOES NOT MOVE (MOTOR HUMS).Step 1.Remove wiper arm (page 10-12).Inspect wiper shaft knurled driver for wear or damage.a. If wiper shaft knurled driver is worn or damaged, replace (page10-13).b. If wiper shaft knurled driver is okay, check wiper arm for wearor damage. Replace if necessary (page 10-12). If wiper arm isokay, go to step 2 below.Step 2.Remove windshield wiper motor (page 10-13).Check link for loose or missing hardware.Check wiper arm for loose or missing hardware.Check wiper shaft for damage.If hardware loose, t i g h t e n ; i f m i s s i n g , r e p l a c e . I f w i p e r s h a ftdamaged, replace (page 10-14).4. WIPER ARM DOES NOT RETURN TO PARK POSITION.Step 1.Turn ignition key switch to off position.Remove HEAT CONTROL knob from cab switch panelup off control shaft.Remove four screws securing cab switch pulling straight3-162
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