TM 5-3805-262-203-32. CHARGING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION1. ALTERNATOR NOT CHARGING BATTERIES (Cont).S t e p 9 . ( C o n t ).Put vehicle lights switch main switch and auxiliary switch in OFFp o s i t i o n s .Turn ignition key switch to on position (first clockwise position).VTM display should indicate (TBD) amperes.Turn ignition key switch to off position.a. If VTM displays (TBD) amperes, go to step 10 below.b. If VTM displays over (TBD) amperes, a short circuit exists.Short circuit may be in hydraulic filter switches or height andreturn to dig control circuits. Refer to wiring diagram, pagesFO-7 and FO-9 to locate component or wire drawing too much cur-r e n t .Step 10. Dial 90 into VTM TEST SELECT.Press and hold TEST button until CAL appears on VTM display thenrelease TEST button.Wait for offset value to appear on display. Offset value should bebetween -225 to +225. If it is not, STE/ICE is defective (refer toTM 9-4910-571-12&P).Press and release TEST button.Put vehicle lights switch main switch and auxiliary switch in OFFp o s i t i o n s .Check that fuel SHUT OFF control is pulled out preventing enginef r o m s t a r t i n g.Turn ignition key switch to extreme clockwise position and crankengine for 10 seconds then release ignition key switch. Don’t turnignition key switch to off position. You should hear a high pitchedsound indicating auxiliary steering motor and pump is operating.VTM display should indicate (TBD) amperes.Turn ignition key switch to off position,a. If VTM displays (TBD) amperes, go to step 11 below.b. If VTM displays over (TBD) amperes, a short circuit exists inauxiliary steering motor and pump circuit. Refer to schematicdiagram and wiring diagram (pages FO-3 through FO-9) to locatecomponent or wire drawing too much current.3-263
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