TM 5-3805-262-203-33. STARTING SYSTEM TROUBLESHOOTING (CONT)MALFUNCTIONTEST OR INSPECTIONCORRECTIVE ACTION3. STARTER CRANKS SLOWLY (UNDER 200 RPM) (Cont).Step 13. Clamp current probe around cable connec-ted to starter solenoid S terminal withcurrent probe arrow pointing towardst e r m i n a l .Dial 90 into TEST SELECT.Press and hold TEST button until CAL ap-pears on VTM display then release TESTb u t t o n.Wait for offset value to appear on dis-p l a y.Offset value should be between-225 to +225. If it is not, STE/ICE isdefective (refer to TM 9-4910-571-12&P).Press and release TEST button.Crank engine and watch VTM display.VTM display should indicate (TBD) amps.Turn ignition key switch off.Step 14.a. If VTM display is (TBD) amps and starter current was high instep 5 above, go to step 14 below.b. If VTM display is (TBD) amps, replace starter (page 5-16).c .If VTM display is not (TBD) amps, replace starter (page 5-16).Remove starter (page 5-16).Slide starter drive on shaft and rotatearmature to check for binding.a. If binding is felt or armature cannot ber o t a t e d , r e p l a c e s t a r t e r ( p a g e 5 - 1 6 ).b. If starter is okay, check engine oil forexcessively dirty condition (could causeengine to be tight). Change engine oil andf i l t e r ( p a g e 4 - 2 ).If engine oil is okay,go to page 3-234 , engine troubleshooting,MALFUNCTION 6, step 11.3-282
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