TM 5-3805-262-20
( 8 ) P u l l r e s i s t o r ( 8 ) f r o m f u s e h o l d e r ( 7 ) h a l f .
( 9 ) A t a i r p r e s s u r e s w i t c h ( 1 2 ) , d i s c o n n e ct
ing and removing two screws (9).
terminals (10 and 11) by loosen-
R e l i e v e a l l a i r p r e s s u r e ( s t e p s ( 1 ) a n d ( 2 ) a b o v e ) b e f o r e r e m o v i n g a ir
pressure switch. Failure to do so could result in serious injury. If you
are injured obtain medical aid immediately.
(10) Loosen and remove air pressure switch (12).
(11) At parking brake switch (15), loosen and remove screw (13) and disconnect
t e r m i n a l ( 1 4 ).
(12) Loosen and remove parking brake switch (15).
(13) Loosen and remove four screws (16) and lock washers (17), and tilt in-
strument panel (23) for access to connections at rear.
(14) Disconnect wiring harness connectors from instrument panel components as
f o l l o w s :
( a)
( c)
Unplug connector (18) from ignition switch by grasping with fingers and
p u l l i n g f i r m l y.
Unplug connector (19) from vehicle lights switch by turning connector
nut counterclockwise and pulling firmly .
Disconnect eyelet terminals (20) by tagging wires and loosening and re-
moving attaching nuts or screws.
Disconnect spade terminals (21) and bullet terminals (22) by tagging
wires, grasping terminal with fingers, and pulling firmly.
(15) Remove instrument panel (23) from operators compartment.
(16) If necessary for replacement, remove filler strip (24) from
instrument panel (23) by scraping with putty knife. Discard
( 2 4 ) .
top edge of
f i l l e r s t r i p
(17) If necessary for replacement, pry four clip nuts (25) from cab sheet
m e t a l.