TM 5-3805-262-20REMOVAL (SHEET 2 OF 2)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)CLEANING(1)( 2 )DryAt left end of battery bracket, loosen and remove nut (17), lock washer(18), and clamp (19). Spread clamp and remove from cable (8).At left-hand radiator bracket, loosen and remove nut (20), lock washer(21), washer (22), clamp (23), and capscrew (24). Spread clamp and removefrom cables (8 and 12), blackout wiring harness, and rear wiring harness.At left-hand hood post, loosen and remove nut (25), lock washer (26),clamp (27), and capscrew (28). Spread clamp and remove from cables (8 and1 2 ) .Cut and remove three tie straps (29) from battery cables (8 and 12) andt w o s t a r t e r r e l a y c a b l e s . D i s c a r d t i e s t r a p s .At starter ground terminal stud, loosen and remove nut (30) and lockwasher (31) and disconnect cable (12).At solenoid BAT terminal stud, loosen and remove nut (32) and lock washer(33) and disconnect cable (8).N o t e c a b l e r o u t i n g t o a i d i n s t a l l a t i o n,then remove cables (8 and 12)from loader.Clean cableusing cleanClean cableinsulation using clean cloth moistened with detergent. Dryc l o t h .terminals and battery posts using scratch wire solvent P-D-680 used to clean parts is toxic and flammable.W e a r p r o t e c t i v e g o g g l e s a n d g l o v e s a n d u s e o n l y i n a w e l l v e n t i l a t eda r e a . A v o i d c o n t a c t w i t h s k i n,e y e s a n d c l o t h e s a n d d o n ’ t b r e a t hevapors, Do not use near open flame or excessive heat and don’t smokewhen using it. Failure to do so could cause serious injury. If you be-c o m e d i z z y w h i l e u s i n g c l e a n i n g s o l v e n t , g e t f r e s h a i r a n d m e d i c ala t t e n t i o n i m m e d i a t e l y . If contact with skin or clothes is made, flushwith large amounts of water.I f c o n t a c t w i t h e y e s i s m a d e , w a s h e y eswith water and get medical aid immediately.(3) Clean all other metallic parts using clean cloth moistened with cleaningsolvent P-D-680. Dry using clean cloths.5-161
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