( 4)
( 7)
( 8 )
Install free end of cover (11) cord on one screw (8) and
screws (8).
TM 5-3805-262-20
i n s t a l l f o u r
While assistant at left rear of loader prevents screws (8) from turning,
install insulator (7) inside battery compartment and secure using four
nuts (5) and washers (6).
Connect black cable (4) to negative terminal using lock washer (2) and
capscrew (1).
Connect red cable (3) to positive terminal using lock washer (2) and
capscrew (1).
Spray slave receptacle terminals with electrical cleaner and allow to air
dry. Then spray terminals with electrical sealer.
Connect and tighten battery ground cable (page 5-151).
C l o s e r a d i a t o r g r i l l e .