TM 5-3805-262-205-10. WIRING HARNESS MAINTENANCE (CONT)c. Blackout Lights Wiring Harness (cont).REPAIR (SHEET 2 OF 3)(4) Repair connectors (1 and 2) as follows:( a)Pull shell from C washer and terminal as shown and slide along wire.(b)Cut wire as close to terminal as possible, and discard terminal.( c)Strip wire insulation to depth of new terminal well .(d)Slide shell over free end of wire, insert wire into terminal well, andcrimp securely.( e)Install C washer over wire at crimped junction.( f )Slide shell along wire and push over C washer and terminal.( 5 ) R e p a i r c o n n e c t o r ( 3 ) a s f o l l o w s :( a)(b)(c)Remove terminal from connector by prying tab using small screwdriverand pulling terminal from connector as shown. Cut wire as close toterminal as possible.Strip 1/4 inch insulationfrom end of wire taking carenot to cut through wire.Crimp new terminal securelyonto wire.Aline terminal with connec-tor and push into connectoru n t i l t e r m i n a l t a b c l i c k s.5-180
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