TM 5-3805-262-20
In battery compartment, disconnect blackout stop and tail lights termi-
nals from connectors (1) by grasping both with fingers and firmly pulling
a p a r t .
At left front fender, unplug harness green wire connector (2) from black-
out driving light by grasping with fingers and pulling.
At cab, unplug blackout lights wiring harness connector (3) from front
wiring harness connector by grasping both with fingers and firmly pulling
a p a r t .
Connect multimeter between ends of wire under test and check multimeter
for continuity indication. If multimeter does not indicate continuity,
repair wire or connector.
Connect multimeter between either end of wire under test and good vehicle
ground. Check multimeter for no continuity (open circuit) indication. If
multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.
Identify harness wires adjacent to wire under test. Connect multimeter
between-either end of wire under test and each adjacent wire. Check mul-
t i m e t e r f o r n o c o n t i n u i t y ( o p e n c i r c u i t ) i n d i c a t i o n f o r e a c h t e s t . I f
multimeter indicates continuity, repair chafed or cut wire insulation.
Remove clamps (4) and cut, remove, and discard tie straps (5) as neces-
sary for access to wires in following steps.
I f n e c e s s a r y , c a r e f u l l y c ut
o u t e r c o v e r i n g f r o m w i r i n g h a r n e s s ( 6 ) t o e x p o s e w i r e s . I f d e f e c t i ve
w i r e i s n o t a c c e s s i b l e f o r r e p a i r , o r i f w i r i n g h a r n e s s i s b a d l y
damaged, notify direct support maintenance to replace wiring harness.
(1) Repair cut or defective wire by cutting length of same gage and color
wire. Strip 1/4 inch insulation from end of wires taking care not to cut
through wires. Splice ends of new wire to ends of harness wire using in-
s u l a t e d s p l i c e c o n n e c t o r s.
(2) Repair cracked or broken wire insulation by wrapping insulation tape
around damaged area of wire.
(3) Repair cut or frayed harness outer covering by wrapping insulation tape
around damaged area.