TM 5-3805-262-20
b. Service Brake Treadle and Valve and Declutch Treadle and Valve (cont).
Position treadle and valve on cab deck.
I n s t a l l t h r e e c a p s c r e w s ( 3 ) . T e l l a s-
s i s t a n t t o i n s t a l l a n d t i g h t e n t h r ee
lock washers (2), and nuts (l).
Connect air lines and fittings to
treadle and valve (page 7-82).
If necessary, install double check valve
and stop light switch (page 7-68).
Close air reservoir drain valve.
Reposition cab floor mat.
( 5)
Start engine and operate at idle speed.
Continue to operate engine until air
pressure gage indication on left instru-
ment cluster no longer increases.
Apply parking brake.
Turn off engine. Be sure treadle and
v a l v e i s f u l l y r e l e a s e d.
Apply soap solution on and around bottom
bore of valve body. Watch for bubbles.
I f b u b b l e s a r e s e e n , t h i s i n d i c a t e s a ir
leakage. If there is any air leakage,
replace treadle and valve. Forward de-
fective treadle and valve to direct sup-
port maintenance for repair.
Tell assistant to press treadle completely while you apply soap solution
on and around bottom bore of valve body. Watch for bubbles. If bubbles
are seen, t h i s i n d i c a t e s a i r l e a k a g e . I f t h e r e i s a n y a i r l e a k a g e , r e-
place treadle and valve. Forward defective treadle and valve to-direct
support maintenance for repair.