TM 5-3805-262-20
b. H o s e s , L i n e s, a n d F i t t i n g s ( c o n t ) .
(2) Replacement (cont).
In following steps, replace parts determined to be defective.
( a ) I n s p e c t h o s e a s s e m b l i e s ( 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 17, and 35) for cracks,
b r e a k s, chafing, or other indications of damage. Check fittings for
stripped or crossed threads or other damage. If hose fittings are
damaged, replace complete hose assembly.
(b) Inspect connectors (11 and 22), tees (9 and
37, 40, and 42), fittings (27 and 30), dust
check valve (31) for cracks, distortion, or
20), elbows (15, 18, 25, 32,
cap (28), nipple (29), and
damaged threads.
(c) Check tubes (7 and 39) for cracks, dents, and deformation; check tube
fittings for damaged threads or cracks. R e p l a c e t u b e i f f i t t i n g s a re
(d) Check remaining parts for cracks, breaks, deformation, or stripped or
( e ) C o n n e ct
t i m e t er
o r a n g e
i t y . I f
t h r e a d s.
multimeter between black and red leads of flow switch (24); mul-
shall indicate continuity. Connect multimeter between black and
cads of flow switch (24); multimeter shall indicate no continu-
above indications are not correct, replace flow switch .