TM 5-3805-262-20
c. Auxiliary Steering System.
(1) Inspection.
This task covers inspection of auxiliary steering system in -
s t a l l e d h o s e s , l i n e s , a n d f i t t i n g s.
(a) Check that hose (1) connected between fitting (2) on hydraulic pump (3)
and auxiliary steering pump and motor is tight and that oil leakage is
n o t s e e n . I f o i l l e a k a g e i s s e e n , t i g h t e n h o s e f i t t i n g s.
(b) Check hose (1) along its entire length for cracks, splits, worn spots
due to chafing, or other damage. If any of these conditions are seen,
r e p l a c e h o s e ( p a g e 8 - 2 9 ) .
(c) Check that hose (4) connec-
tions at manifold (5) and
auxiliary steering pump and
motor are tight and that oil
leaks are not seen. If oil
leakage is seen, tighten hose
clamps. If tightening hose
clamps does not stop leakage,
replace hoses and clamps (page
8-29) .
(d) Check hose (4) along its en -
t i r e l e n g t h f o r c r a c k s,
splits, worn spots due to
chafing, or other damage. If
any of these conditions are
seen, replace hose (page
8-29) .