TM 5-3805-262-209-1. CHASSIS ASSEMBLIES MAINTENANCE(CONT)d. T r a n s p o r t / S e r v i c e L i n k.This task covers locking, removal, and installationof the transport/service link. In locked or engaged position, the loader isprevented from pivoting or turning. This link should be in the locked or engagedposition whenever you are servicing loader in area between front and rear chassis.TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool KitS l i p j o i n t p l i e rsLOCKING OR ENGAGING TRANSPORT/SERVICE LINK(1) At right side of loader, on rear chassis, remove two clip pins (1).( 2)Remove two pins (2).(3) Remove transport/service link (3) and position between center mount andear on front chassis .(4)Install two pins (2) and secure using two clip pins (1).UNLOCKING OR DISENGAGING TRANSPORT/SERVICE LINK(1)( 2)(3)(4)At right side of loader, onfront chassis, remove two clipp i n s ( l ) .Remove two pins (2).Remove transport/service link(3) and position between centermount and ear on rear chassis.Install two pins (2) and secureusing two clip pins (1).9-8
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