TM 5-3805-262-209-1. CHASSIS ASSEMBLIES MAINTENANCE (CONT)b. RearChassisAssembly(SHEET1OF 2 ) . This task covers inspection of the rearchassis assembly.(1)( 2)(3)( 4)Check frame stops (1) on both sides of loader for loose mounting hard-ware, cracks, deformation, or other damage. Tighten loose mounting hard-ware. Report cracks, deformation, or other damage to direct supportmaintenance.Check transport/service link (2) for bent condition, cracks, breaks, ormissing mounting hardware. If any of these conditions are seen, refer topage 9-9 and replace parts as necessary.Remove engine left side panels (page 9-14) and check trunnion lubricationfittings (3) and grease hoses for damage. Inspect grease hoses alongt h e i r e n t i r e l e n g t h f o r c r a c k s , b r e a k s,signs of wear due to chafing, orother defects. Replace as necessary (page 9-7). Reinstall and lock enginel e f t s i d e p a n e l s.Inspect hood panel latches (4) for loose mounting hardware, damage, ormissing parts. Tighten loose mounting hardware. Replace if damaged orparts missing (page 9-14).9-4
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