TM 5-3805-262-20SHEET 2 OF 2(4)( 5 )(6)(7)( 8)( 9 )Inspect axle mounting pads (7) and lift brackets (8) for cracks, distor-t i o n,or broken welds. If any of these conditions are seen, report themto direct support maintenance .Check chassis spindles (9) for loose mounting hardware, cracks, or otherapparent damage. Tighten loose mounting hardware and report discrepanciesto direct support maintenance .Unlock and open front access door and check that handle (10) operatesproperly and is not loose. If handle is loose, tighten. If handle doesnot operate properly, notify direct support maintenance.Check hinges (11) for loose mounting hardware.Tighten loose mounting hardware. Check that doorstop stops door from swinging completely open andh i t t i n g l i f t a r m . If door stop doesn’t preventdoor from hitting lift arm, notify direct supportmaintenance.Inspect steering cylinder assemblies mountingbrackets (12) located at each side, bottom ofhydraulic reservoir for cracked or broken welds.If cracked or broken welds are seen , report themto direct support maintenance.Close and lock front access door.9-3
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