TM 5-3805-262-20SHEET 2 OF 2(5)(6)(7)(8)I n s p e c t l i f t a n d t i e d o w n s ( 5 ) onboth sides of loader for deforma-tion, cracked welds, or rust. Re-port the above to direct supportmaintenance if seen.Inspect axle mounting pads (6) forc r a c k s , d i s t o r t i o n , o r b r o k enwelds. If any of these conditionsare seen, report them to directsupport maintenance.Check drawbar pin (7) for bent condition,c r a c k s , b r e a k s, or other damage. Replace asnecessary (page 9-10).Inspect steering cylinder assembliesmounting brackets (8) for cracked orbroken welds. If cracked or brokenwelds are seen, report them to directsupport maintenance.9-5
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