TM 5-3805-262-209-4. SEAT ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE (CONT)b. S e a t S u p p o r t A s s e m b l y.This task covers removal, cleaning, inspection, andinstallation of seat support assembly.TOOLS: No. 1 Common Organizational Maintenance Tool KitSocket wrench-set, 3/8 inch drive5/8-11 tapMATERIAL/PARTS: Clean cloths (Appendix C, item 1)Cleaning solvent P-D-680 (Appendix C, item 2)PERSONNEL REQUIRED: Two Construction Equipment Mechanics M0S 62BNOTEPRELIMINARY PROCEDURE: Operator's seat removed (page 9-30).REMOVAL(1)( 2)(3)(4)( 5)Support upper seat support (3) and loosencapscrew (1).Grasp upper seat support (3) and pull up onit to remove from lower seat support (10).Remove upper seat support from cab.While grasping clamp (4) with your fingersto prevent it from falling into lower seatsupport (10) tube, remove capscrew (1) andlock washer (2). Remove clamp (4).With an assistant in cab holding cap-screws (8) using socket wrench, loosenand remove four nuts (5), lock washers(6), and washers (7) located beneathfront chassis deck. Remove four cap-screws (8) and washers (9).Remove lower seat support (10) fromcab.9-31
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