TM 5-3805-262-20DISASSEMBLYa .b .c .d .e .f .g .Remove guard (1) by lifting upmating tabs.Loosen and remove setscrew (2)s h a f t .Loosen and remove two nuts (4)on guard tabs to disengage them from rear guardthen pull fan blade (3) from fan motor (12)and washers (5). Remove rear guard (6).Remove two washers (7), nuts (8), and screws (9).Loosen and remove nut (10) then push switch (11) into pedestal (13). From bot-tom of pedestal, reach up into pedestal and pull switch down just enough togain access to switch wires.Identify, tag, and unsolder wires from switch (11) terminals.To remove fan (12) from pedestal (13), grasp both firmly in yourp u l l a p a r t .hands and10-63
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