TM 5-3805-262-34
(16) From beneath loader, at front of fuel tank, reach up and disconnect rear
wiring harness yellow-black wire terminal from electric fuel pump wire.
Do this by grasping terminals with your fingers and firmly pulling apart.
(17) At rear of loader, at flood lights, disconnect rear wiring harness blue
wires terminal from flood light terminals. Do this by grasping terminals
with your fingers and firmly pulling apart.
(18) At stop and tail lights, disconnect rear wiring harness black wires
terminal, tan wires terminal, and pink wires terminal from stop and tail
lights wires. Do this by grasping terminals with your fingers and firmly
pulling apart.
(19) At backup alarm, disconnect rear wiring harness black-red wire terminal
from backup alarm terminal.
(20) At left side of engine, at front of alternator, disconnect rear wiring
harness brown wire terminal from alternator. Do this by firmly pulling
boot from alternator BAT terminal and slide down wire. Then, remove nut
and washer from BAT terminal and disconnect brown wire terminal. Remove
and save boot from wire.
(21) At fuel tank, disconnect rear wiring harness tan-black wire from fuel
level sending unit.
(22) At left rear of engine, below alternator at engine oil pressure switch,
disconnect rear wiring harness black-white wire spade terminal from
switch. Do this by grasping with fingers and firmly pulling from switch,
(23) At rear wiring harness black-white wire, separate fuseholder halves by
grasping ends with fingers, pushing together, twisting counterclockwise,
and pulling apart. Pull resistor from fuseholder half. Assemble fuse-
holder halves by grasping both in your fingers, alining, then firmly
pushing them together and twisting clockwise. Don-t discard resistor; re-
tain for installation.
When removing clamps to free rear wiring harness for removal, reinstall
clamp and associated hardware in same location as removed to aid
installation of harness.
(24) At transmission, remove capscrew securing clamp holding rear wiring har-
ness and blackout lights wiring harness. Remove rear wiring harness from
(25) At left front of engine block, remove hardware securing clamp holding
rear wiring harness and blackout lights wiring harness. Remove rear wir-
ing harness from clamp.